(GermanPolicy.com) – Housing benefit recipients will soon receive a heating subsidy. The Federal Government parties have voted for this in the Bundestag, together with the party Die Linke. The CDU-CSU was against, while the AfD abstained. More than 2 million people are expected to benefit from the subsidy, which is twice as high as originally planned. Single people who claim housing benefit should receive 270 Euros, two-person households 350 Euros, and each additional person living in an apartment will benefit from an additional 70 Euros. Students and trainees who already receive state funds should get another 230 Euros.
The grants should remain one-off. The leader of the SPD parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, Mützenich, explained that citizens were being relieved “with a total of around 13 billion Euros to make up for increased energy costs.”