The Bundestag approves the financial package

( – The Bundestag has approved the financial package proposed by the CDU/CSU and SPD, with 512 votes in favor and 206 against, achieving the two-thirds majority for a constitutional amendment which was required. The package includes a 500-billion-euro special fund for infrastructure and climate protection projects and relaxes the debt brake for defense expenditures, also covering civil protection, intelligence, and aid for states under unlawful attack.

During the pre-vote debate, CDU/CSU chancellor candidate Merz and SPD chairman Klingbeil advocated for the initiative, emphasizing the need to strengthen infrastructure and the Bundeswehr. The FDP expressed concerns about the long-term impact of new debt on future generations, while members of the AfD, Die Linke, and BSW criticized the outgoing Bundestag’s decision-making authority. The Greens, on the other hand, who had successfully amended the fund’s purpose to include climate neutrality, showed satisfaction. The Bundesrat The Bundesrat is set to deliberate on the package on Friday.

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