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Over 6 million in Germany are illiterate
( – According to experts, around 6.2 million people in Germany cannot read and write or not to a sufficient extent. However, according to the research network AlphaFunk, this is crucial in the workplace and for social participation. The group of illiterates is not homogeneous….
Buschmann (FDP) anounces digital law gazette
( – From the year 2023, federal laws are to be published exclusively via the Internet. This was announced by Federal Justice Minister Buschmann (FDP) when he announced the introduction of an electronic Federal Law Gazette. The changeover means that a mountain of paper with…
A majority in Germany continue to wear masks
( – In Germany, the majority of residents still wear mouth and nose protection indoors – even if the obligation to wear medical masks has been lifted in most places. According to a survey commissioned by the dpa news agency, 58 percent of the population…
Prien advises to prepare for school children from Ukraine
( – The President of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Schleswig-Holstein’s Minister of Education, Prien, has called to prepare for 400,000 Ukrainian students. 40 percent of the one million refugees from Ukraine to arrive in Germany will certainly be children – for whom…
More company start-ups founded in the past year
( – In 2021 significantly more new companies were founded than in the previous year, according to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau. Many start-ups would have postponed the idea of self-employment until then, but last year 607,000 people implemented their plans – 13 percent more than…
Promotion of plug-in hybrid vehicles: FDP and the automotive industry contradict Habeck
( – According to plans by Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens), the subsidy for plug-in hybrid vehicles is to expire at the end of the year and will not be extended. The coalition agreement of the traffic light parties speaks against it, however, FDP traffic…
Lindner releases funds for storage and regasification
( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) has given the go-ahead for 2.47 billion Euros in funding for liquid gas terminals in Germany. Four floating storage and regasification units are to be leased. Liquified natural gas should be stored to ensure Germany’s gas supply. Due…
Habeck repeats his rejection of fracking in Germany
( – Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) has justified why he rejects fracking in Germany. One would have to “destroy deep layers of rock with great pressure and chemical substances in order to extract gas,” he said, according to media reports. “This is difficult under…
Reduced energy tax
( – As part of the relief package launched by the Federal Government to combat high energy prices, a reduction in energy tax is to make fuel cheaper from June 1 and for three months. This results from a draft issued by the Federal Ministry…
Nine-Euro ticket to be available from June
( – According to the Association of German Transport Companies, the 9-Euro monthly ticket for local and regional transport will be sold in June, July, and August. It will be valid until the end of the sales month. Not included in the use is long-distance…
Lindner (FDP) would like to adhere to the debt brake in 2023
( – In 2023, Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) once again wants to meet the debt brake. “It’s a constitutional mandate,” he explained. The current aid package is a kind of shock absorber to support the economy, Lindner said – a regulation not passed lightly….
Federal Ministry of Justice against tightening the rental price brake
( – Federal Justice Minister Buschmann (FDP) has blocked the Bundesrat initiative by Bavaria’s Justice Minister Eisenreich (CSU) to reform the rantal price break. Eisenreich had planned to make the price brake more effective. Both the Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Ministry of…