Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Utility cost: tenants’ association for protection against dismissal in the event of late payments

( – The Tenants’ Association has demanded that terminations to tenants be suspended because of late utility bill payments. Many landlords are demanding higher advance payments on heating costs after energy prices have recently risen sharply. The Haus und Grund owners’ association announced that the…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Energy costs: Consumer Advice Center wants improvements to the second relief package

( – The Federation of German Consumer Organizations (VZBV) expects back payments for energy from both tenants and owners of apartments. In particular, heating costs from natural gas have risen with no end in sight, said Engelke, head of energy and construction at VZB. This…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

CDU-CSU for relief in taxes and duties

( – The Union parties have called for further steps to be taken to compensate for the increased energy prices through relief. However, the deputy CDU chairman Jung spoke out against a third relief package. According to a press report, he said: “We don’t always…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Scholz: no turning away from just politics

( – On the occasion of the May Day rally in Düsseldorf, Chancellor Scholz promised not to end any of the political projects for a society based on solidarity. Increasing the defense budget via a special fund will not result in any reversal in the…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Federal Cabinet decides on second relief package

( – On Wednesday, the Federal Government decided on a relief package worth several billion Euros. The energy tax on fuel is to be reduced for three months, taxpayers are to receive a one-time lump sum of 300 Euros before taxes, child benefit is to…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Federal government launches supplementary budget

( – The Federal Government on Wednesday cleared the way for a supplementary budget, which is to apply in the current financial year and which will serve to guarantee energy relief, company aid, and the care of Ukrainian refugees in Germany. For the said budget,…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Electricity price should fall thanks to lower surcharge

( – The EEG surcharge will be abolished on July 1st of the current year – instead of in 2023. That was decided by the German Bundestag. This means that citizens are benefiting with the greatest electricity price relief in many decades, as commented by…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Lindner (FDP) wants to compensate for cold progression

( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) would like to noticeably limb the employees in 2023. The state should not “enrich itself from salary increases that only compensate for the rise in prices,” Lindner explained. In autumn, therefore, the cold progression should be solved in…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

FDP for higher additional income limits for social assistance

( – The socio-political spokesman for the FDP in the German Bundestag, Kober, has spoken out against a reduction in VAT on staple foods. Rather, the additional income limits of social assistance recipients should be increased. Such a step is already provided for in the…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

More foreign aid against grain failures

( – According to the Federal Cabinet, the development budget is to rise by one billion Euros in the current year. Among other things, the increase includes funds to support Ukraine as well as poorer countries in need of grain provisions from Ukraine and Russia….

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Health insurance companies demand a savings package for medicines

( – The statutory health insurance companies have asked Health Minister Lauterbach to put together an austerity package for medicines. The increase in expenditure on pharmaceuticals in 2021 was almost eight percent above the average of expenditure on health services. The Kassen-Spitzenverband spoke of a…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Promotion of plug-in hybrid vehicles: FDP and the automotive industry contradict Habeck

( – According to plans by Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens), the subsidy for plug-in hybrid vehicles is to expire at the end of the year and will not be extended. The coalition agreement of the traffic light parties speaks against it, however, FDP traffic…

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