by Thorsten Koch
10,000 infected, by Coronavirus, in the health sector
More than 10,000 employees in the German health care system have been infected with the coronavirus and have tested positive, according to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). They are people in hospitals, medical practices and other medical facilities. 9000 people have already recovered. 16 of those officially infected with corona from the medical field have died. According to the RKI, data is only available for two thirds of all corona infections.
Demonstrators attacked ARD broadcast team
In front of the Berlin Reichstag building, the seat of the German Bundestag, a team from the public service broadcasting group ARD was attacked during a demonstration on Wednesday. The police confirmed an arrest. A 46-year-old man is being investigated on suspicion of assault. A flash mob had complained about the corona restrictions introduced by German governments. The rbb network spoke of around 1,000 people, including neo-Nazis and hooligans. The police named 350 to 400 participants.
Fewer new passenger cars from German manufacturers registered
The number of new car registrations in April was significantly lower. The Federal Motor Transport Authority announced that the decrease was 61.1 percent compared to March. According to the authority, car owners have registered a total of 120,840 cars. The innovative American company for electric vehicles, Tesla, posted a surplus of ten percent. All German car brands were sold less. The Mini from BMW recorded a drop of 39 percent. There were up to 94 percent fewer approvals for Smart, from the manufacturer Mercedes. The German auto industry government purchase premiums for vehicles in the wake of the Corona crisis to increase sales. Jobs are at stake. In a first conversation with Chancellor Angela Merkel, there was no decision yet.
Structural reform in development cooperation
Development Minister Gerd Müller wants the German development cooperation restructured. Aid should be more conditional in the future. In addition, Germany should work directly with significantly fewer countries in the future. The structural reform relates to the concept of development cooperation. This is no longer “development aid,” he emphasized. Instead of 85 countries, Germany will work directly with 60 countries in the future. The focus will be on key issues and the number of small-scale projects will be reduced.
Continuation of the soccer Bundesliga
The Bundesliga will soon be continued. The federal and state governments have announced that they will resume playing “from the second half of May”, announced Chancellor Angela Merkel. The football season, which has been in a break since mid-March, will be completed on nine game days with so-called ghost games.