The SPD’s candidate for chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has proposed replacing the basic security, also known as Hartz-IV, with a new type of citizen’s benefit. Conditions should no longer be based on “distrust” of the social welfare offices; some sanctions should be abolished for Hartz-IV beneficiaries and “citizens’ money” should be applied for digitally. Scholz admitted that his party had failed to introduce the minimum wage, together with the basic security. This failed due to difficulties in implementation, he said. Only later did the minimum wage become possible. According to Scholz, this should rise to “at least 12 Euros”.
Scholz pleaded for a welfare state that was “supportive” and “close to the citizen”. If the SPD participates in government, basic security for children is also to be introduced. This should replace the child benefit. In addition, there should be more time off work and tax breaks, added Scholz.
From a paper cited by press outlets, it emerges that the SPD wants to move towards a climate-neutral republic; the green electricity levy is to be abolished. In addition, the expansion of renewable energies is to be financed through CO2 pricing.