CDU, SPD the Greens make proposals for amended climate protection law

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) believes it is possible that the climate protection law can be changed quickly. He wants to submit proposals to those responsible in the Federal Cabinet and possibly speak to the opposition, in addition, to ensure that the renewed climate protection law can be passed in the current legislative period.

Following Altmaier’s announcement, Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) proclaimed that she would also propose an amendment. In a judgment last week, the Federal Constitutional Court had criticized the fact that the requirements for reducing CO2 emissions are insufficient: there are no rules for emissions from 2031. Schulze would like to have tenants enjoy an improved situation when it comes to pricing. Half of the costs for carbon dioxide emissions are to be shouldered by the landlord in the course of a social “cushioning,” she suggested, and accused Altmaier of blocking her financial proposal to the benefit of the tenants.

The Green Party’s candidate for Chancellor, Annalena Baerbock, spoke out in favor of a “basic right to the future” for the coming generations and climate neutrality in all sectors. Her parliamentary group leader Hofreiter called for zero-emission traffic.

CSU General Secretary Blume, on the other hand, would like to talk concretely about steering through higher CO2 prices. The population could be relieved, to some degree, of the tax on electricity, he said. He emphasized intergenerational justice, which, in future, would secure freedoms. The head of the Federal Environment Agency, Messner, meanwhile called for an earlier coal exit. Coal energy should not be phased out in 2038, but rather in 2030.

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