Posted in Politics Technology

Authorities investigate after hacking attack on the CDU

( – The CDU has fallen victim to a cyber attack one week before the European elections. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that the CDU’s network has been affected. Both the German police and the Federal Office for the Protection of the…

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Posted in Politics Technology

After a study on hate on the Internet, Faeser and Paus want chat rooms especially for children and young people

( – Federal Interior Minister Faeser (SPD) and Federal Family Minister Paus (Greens) want to initiate virtual chat rooms exclusively intended for children and young people. It’s about creating a larger number of “protected spaces” on social media, said Faeser, according to a media report….

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Germany and Chile chair the new Climate Club

( – Germany has started a new political initiative, and several states, all of them with ambitious climate goals, have joined it: The ‘Climate Club’ was formed during the UN conference in Dubai. At the very start, Chancellor Scholz emphasized that it was crucial to…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Federal States take part in Germany Pact

( – At a conference that will be held in the city of Wilhelmshafen, the German Federal States want to talk to the Federal Chancellery about the Germany Pact for a modernization that is supposed to be effective in many respects, which the Federal Chancellor…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Government-Opposition: Scholz proposes ‘Germany Pact’

( – The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (SPD), wants to talk to the parliamentary group leader of the Union parties in the German Bundestag, Friedrich Merz (CDU), about his proposed ‘Germany Pact.’ Scholz had previously proposed the pact in a general debate in the German…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Lemke speaks out against biofuels

( – Federal Environment Minister Lemke wants to change the law to limit the use of biofuel from cultivated plants for food and feed production. A proposal will be submitted soon. “We need our fields more urgently than ever for food production,” the minister explained….

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Energy Security Act passed

( – The energy security reform has been passed in the Bundestag. From now on, energy companies can, if necessary, be put under trusteeship or expropriated if they do not meet their duties and there is a risk of serious bottlenecks. At a later stage,…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Higher electricity and gas prices expected

( – In the coming months there may be further price increases for electricity and gas. Customers should be prepared for this, according to an analysis by the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries. Wholesale prices would be passed on to the consumer. Since…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Gas supply: private households enjoy the highest priority

( – Federal Consumer Protection Minister Lemke (Greens) has confirmed that private households, kindergartens, and hospitals will be given preference when it comes to gas supply if bottlenecks occur. The deputy FDP parliamentary group leader Koehler made a similar statement. Households are the top priority,…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Buschmann (FDP) anounces digital law gazette

( – From the year 2023, federal laws are to be published exclusively via the Internet. This was announced by Federal Justice Minister Buschmann (FDP) when he announced the introduction of an electronic Federal Law Gazette. The changeover means that a mountain of paper with…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Promotion of plug-in hybrid vehicles: FDP and the automotive industry contradict Habeck

( – According to plans by Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens), the subsidy for plug-in hybrid vehicles is to expire at the end of the year and will not be extended. The coalition agreement of the traffic light parties speaks against it, however, FDP traffic…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Lindner releases funds for storage and regasification

( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) has given the go-ahead for 2.47 billion Euros in funding for liquid gas terminals in Germany. Four floating storage and regasification units are to be leased. Liquified natural gas should be stored to ensure Germany’s gas supply. Due…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Habeck repeats his rejection of fracking in Germany

( – Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) has justified why he rejects fracking in Germany. One would have to “destroy deep layers of rock with great pressure and chemical substances in order to extract gas,” he said, according to media reports. “This is difficult under…

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Posted in Finance Politics Technology

Funding for energy-efficient buildings

( – Follow-up funding for energy-efficient new buildings by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau is to apply from April 20th. The funding should be based on the EH40 standard, but with different funding rates and conditions. The Federal Government would like to use this to increase…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Easter package: ways for Germany to become energy self-sufficient

( – Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) wants Germany to obtain most of its electricity from renewable sources within 13 years. On this basis, the Federal Cabinet decided on an Easter package consisting of 56 individual laws and individual measures. Among other things, the Renewable…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Expanding wind energy faster, protecting ecosystems

( – A federal law, to be passed next week, is expected to bring about an expansion of wind energy in Germany. This was announced by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens). An important point is species protection. Background: the existence of protected bird…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Calls for saving energy and for a voluntary speed limit

( – Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) has called for massive efforts to be made to save energy. The energy stores will have to be filled for the next winter. “We can all make a contribution now: we as the government, of course, by trying…

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Posted in Health Politics Technology

Scholz favors more vaccinations worldwide

( – Chancellor Olaf Scholz has campaigned to ensure that the goal of the World Health Organization (WHO), according to which 70 percent of the world’s population should be vaccinated against the Coronavirus, is not lost sight. Germany is providing 1.3 billion Euros for the…

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Posted in Finance Technology

Financial benefits for changing heating technology

( – From 2024, every new heating system should be operated with 65 percent in renewable energy. The deadline was previously set for January 1, 2025. Property owners should also be able to replace their heating systems which are more than 20 years old. Finally,…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Union parties demand that nuclear power and coal-fired power be reevaluated

( – A longer operation of nuclear power plants should be examined with an open mind. This is what the energy policy spokesman for the CDU-CSU, Jung, has demanded. Continued operation of coal-fired power plants should also be examined. Federal Economics Minister Habeck said he…

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Posted in Technology Uncategorized

Sales ban on New Year’s Eve bollards will lead to fewer fireworks

( – New sets of New Years Eve fireworks have not been sold this year in Germany, so that there will be fewer bollards at the dawn of this weekend. The nationwide sales ban on New Year’s Eve fireworks, which had already been decreed the…

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