For whom to vote? A tool provides orientation

( – For those still undecided on which party to vote for in the upcoming Bundestag elections, assistance can now be found through the Wahl-O-Mat. The Federal Agency for Civic Education has launched this online tool. Users can compare their political opinions with those of the 29 parties participating on February 23. The Wahl-O-Mat presents positions on 38 political fields, comparing them with the positions from party platforms. At the end, users learn how much they align with each party. The Federal Agency described it as an indispensable tool for political orientation.

The Wahl-O-Mat, existing since 2002, is also available as an app for Android and iOS. It was accessed over 21 million times for the 2021 Bundestag election and has been consulted over 130 million times since 2002 before Bundestag, European, and state elections.

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