Posted in Finance Politics

CDU expert warns against ‘flexibility’ in debt

( – The chairman of the Medium Enterprises and Economy Union, Linnemann (CDU), has warned of a growing mountain of debt. In the exploratory paper on the coalition negotiations between the SPD, the Greens, and the FDP, nothing can be found with respect to the…

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Posted in Finance Politics

The KfW could play a role in climate protection

( – The state bank KfW is to play a role in the expansion of the future government’s climate policy projects. Investments in climate protection should therefore also be financed by credit. As an investment agency, the bank could lead to innovation for part of…

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Posted in Health Politics

Clinics could serve as outpatient providers, SPD

( – According to a draft paper leaked before the beginning of the soon-to-begin coalition negotiations, the SPD wants to turn hospitals into outpatient providers, thus diversifying the sovereignty of resident doctors. This way, gaps are to be closed and cooperation with general practitioners possible,…

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Posted in Politics

Crisis situations: five EU countries propose reaction forces

( – Germany has made proposals on how to improve structures and processes in defense policy within the European Union. In a paper drawn up with the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland and Slovenia, the German defense minister, Kramp-Karrenbauer, speaks out in favor of a rapid reaction…

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Posted in Health Politics

Greens: guaranteeing three months’ nursing leave

( – The Greens want to enforce a ‘care period plus.’ Employees who looked after relatives or confidants might in the future be allowed to take leave of absence for up to three months. SPD health expert Lauterbach said that one had to take action…

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Posted in Economy

Shortage of workers, skilled professionals, and apprentices

( – There is a shortage of skilled workers in around 70 professions, particularly in the MINT professions: mathematics, IT, natural sciences and technology. The Federal Employment Agency warned that there was a shortage of 800,000 skilled workers and a total of 1.2 million workers….

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Posted in Finance Politics

Coalition negotiations from next week

( – After one last meeting of leaders of the SPD, the Greens and the FDP, 22 working groups with 96 participants each will begin coalition negotiations next week. According to media reports, topics such as acceleration of planning and the right to vote will…

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Posted in Finance Politics

CDU criticizes the traffic light parties’ pension plans

( – CDU pension expert Peter Weiß has sharply criticized the traffic light parties’ pension plans. According to media reports, he said that if SPD, Greens and FDP said they would keep the pension level at 48 percent, “then the pension fund will be empty…

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Posted in Economy

World Economic Institute: recovery from Corona as early as 2022

( – The German economy is likely to recover from the Corona pandemic as early as 2022, the Hamburg World Economic Institute assumes. Managing Director Dirck Süß explained: “After the economic output slumped by 4.6 percent last year, growth of 2.5 percent is expected for…

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Posted in Politics

Seehofer (CSU) wants border controls for flights from Greece

( – Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) has declared that his house is investigating whether to introduce border controls for flights from Greece, the reason for this being the large number of refugees who have already been recognized in Greece and who later apply…

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Posted in Finance Politics

FDP bodies agree to coalition negotiations

( – The federal executive board and the parliamentary group of the FDP have unanimously voted in favor of coalition negotiations with the SPD and the Greens. According to media reports, FDP chairman Christian Lindner had previously emphasized the basic values ​​of freedom and self-determination….

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Posted in Politics

Greens’ congress votes for coalition negotiations

( – At a small party congress, the Greens have approved coalition negotiations with the SPD and FDP. Greens chairman Habeck said before the so-called state council that the exploratory paper previously presented jointly with the SPD and the FDP stands for a policy “in…

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