Posted in Politics Technology

Association of Judges for more digitization in the Judiciary

The German Judges Association (DRB) wants to accelerate digitization in the Judiciary. Gaps in IT equipment would have to be closed, said DRB federal managing director Sven Rebehn. Legal regulations already allow online negotiations in civil processes, but there is a lack of technology. “It…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

A group of Greens for rethinking genetic engineering

There are voices within the Greens party that speak out for a constructive approach to genetic engineering. One has to get involved in the discourse about a new way of dealing with genetic engineering, otherwise the future will be discussed without the Greens, a group…

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Posted in Health Politics Technology

Corona warning app will be presented next week

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) has confirmed that the Corona warning app will be presented next week. There are high technical requirements for the software application, with which contacts of people, who have been infected with the Coronavirus, are to be traced. The…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Almost 15,000 potentially violent right-wing extremists?

Constitutional protection counts 30,000 people in Germany as belonging to the scene of the extreme right. However, police authorities only classify 65 right-wing extremists as posing a risk of using violence. The number of Islamist potential violent extremists is set ten times as high. The…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Coalition committee approves 130 billion Euro stimulus package

The federal government’s stimulus package will include a total of 130 billion Euros for 2020 and 2021, it was decided on Monday evening by the leaders of the coalition committee. On July 1 and up until December 31, VAT is expected to drop from 19…

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Posted in Technology

Over half of learners aged 16 and over use digital media

More and more schoolchildren and students from the age of 16 use digital learning materials. In the first quarter of the previous year, 54 percent of this group of people used this type of media, which included audiovisual media, online learning apps, and ebooks. 35…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Federal Research Minister would like to promote hydrogen

Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) wants to promote hydrogen technology. One has to prove across industries, “how production, transportation and the distribution and use of green hydrogen works,” said the minister with regard to an innovation initiative that would primarily aim to provide conditions…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Wind power is the main source of electricity

For the first time, the most important energy source is wind power, in the first quarter of the year. The share of wind power in the total amount of electricity produced in Germany reached 34.9 percent. Renewable energies in total were fed into the electricity…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Karliczek wants to promote research and education

by Thorsten Koch The German Minister of Education Anja Karliczek (CDU) would like to propose an investment program with a volume of 10 billion Euros to the coalition committee on Tuesday, with a view on innovation in research and for improvements in education. The aim…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Tiered funding for new cars proposed

The Federal Ministry of Economics has plans for purchase premiums cars, making propositions for both electronically operated new cars and new cars with diesel and gasoline combustion engines. Up to 5 billion Euros are earmarked for the efforts. However, the subsidy should be tiered, so…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Schulze presents social-ecological concept

by Thorsten Koch Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) has presented her social-ecological concept for an economic stimulus package on Monday. The concept should enable municipalities in Germany to invest sustainably. The proposals, if implemented, would bring significantly more orders to the environmental technology industry….

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Posted in Health Politics Technology

Objections to the Corona app

The tracking app meant to determine the pathways of infection by the Coronavirus has met some criticism. The Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) said that the Corona app does not guarantee sufficient security. It is important to maintain a safety distance of 1.5 meters…

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