by Thorsten Koch
The Federal and State Governments have described four opening steps in a working paper. This is limited to the event that after March 28 – until then, the corona measures are to be extended -, the number of Covid infections will decrease.
From March 8, there should be more freedom for private meetings. Up to five people from two households should then be allowed to gather, not including children up to 14 years of age. In regions where there are few cases of illness within a week, up to 10 people could meet. Visits to relatives should be possible on public holidays.
In a second stage, it should be possible for schools and hairdressers to resume their work, as well as flower shops, garden centers, and bookshops. In addition, driving schools and the “physical service industry” could then be put back in a position to go about their work. However, this depends on quick and self-tests.
Cultural sector to open in a third stage
In a third stage, it is planned that the retail trade as a whole, museums, galleries, and zoos will reopen. In a fourth stage, cinemas and concert halls as well as the sports sector would be included in the opening strategy. A decision on gastronomy, culture, events, travel and hotels will then be made in a conference between the federal and state governments.
The conference of the federal and state representatives will take place on March 24th. While several Prime Ministers of the Federal States urged caution and supported a conservative approach due to the third wave of infections, the education ministers of the Federal States pleaded for better prospects for schools. For example, more school grades are to receive school lessons in the school buildings themselves.