The President of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Bedford-Strohm, has expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to hold face-to-face services in churches at Easter. Chancellor Angela Merkel had sent a strong signal by withdrawing from the strict Easter rest resolution.
Both the Federal Government and the Federal States had previously urged the religious communities to exclusively hold virtual masses – despite the protection concepts that they had developed. According to Bedford-Strohm, face-to-face services would be held if a single congregation so decided. This would happen in view of the local Corona incidence numbers.
Previously, Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) had emphasized that the hygiene concepts of the churches were impeccable: “I was astonished that of all parties with the C in their name suggest that the churches refrain from worship, especially at Easter.” The decision of the federal and state governments was a request, and it was not the Federal Ministry of the Interior which had made the proposal for purely digital services, emphasized Seehofer.