Vaccinations to protect against Covid-19 make sense from the age of twelve

( – The German Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine has spoken out in favor of looking at the psychosocial problems of twelve to 17 year olds. The Standing Vaccination Commission, which advises the Federal Government, must protect children and adolescents from the possible consequences, for example in terms of education, instead of just looking at the increased risk of severe Covid-19 infection only.

The Standing Vaccination Commission had made a recommendation this week for vaccinations against the Coronavirus for children from twelve to 17 years of age. This is useful, for example, when it comes to persons with previous illnesses. “Parents and young people have a clear recommendation to decide in favor of the vaccination,” commented

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) on the experts’ decision. “The facts speak for the vaccination.” There is enough vaccine for all age groups. On her part, Federal Family Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) emphasized: “The vaccination remains voluntary and must not be made a requirement for school attendance.”

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