Laschet for support of photovoltaics

( – Armin Laschet (CDU), the candidate of the CDU and CSU for the office of Federal Chancellor, would like to make photovoltaics on the roof more affordable for homeowners if the Union parties win the Federal Election. After an election victory, the Reconstruction Loan Corporation would launch a “program with which every owner receives an interest-free loan for a solar roof,” explained Laschet. In addition, a feed-in tariff must be given to those who generate energy over and above their own consumption, using photovoltaics.

“The energy transition is the engine for climate protection,” emphasized Laschet. Politicians have to rely less on regulation and more on the markets: “The generation of electricity from renewable sources is already cheaper today – at three to nine cents per kilowatt hour – than, for example, coal-based electricity or nuclear energy.”

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