(GermanPolicy.com) – SPD, Greens and FDP are in favor of starting coalition negotiations that could lead to a joint Federal Government. An exploratory paper says: “We are a constellation that can bring together three parties with different traditions and different points of view to form an innovative alliance.”
Accordingly, goals are not to increase taxes. However, the minimum wage is to be raised to 12 Euros. The Hartz IV social care is to be replaced by a so-called ‘citizen’s money.’ There ought to be no changes to the pension system and amount of pensions to retirees due to an increase of reallocations. On the other hand, renewable energies are to be expanded in order to abandon fossil energy; a farewell to coal energy is to take place by 2030 instead of 2038. Quite importantly, the duration of administrative and planning procedures and with regard to permits is to be decreased. Investment is to be fostered and encouraged to a larger extent.
The Greens will now hold a small party conference. The party committees of the FDP will take a final decision, and a parliamentary group meeting is planned when it comes to the SPD.