Spahn: booster vaccinations to be made possible for everyone

( – Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has announced that the governments on federal and state level want to make booster vaccinations possible for the entire population in Germany. This was decided by the federal as well as the state health ministers at a conference held in Lindau. The prerequisite for a booster vaccination is that the second vaccination was administered six months earlier. Older and special professional groups – such as nurses – should actively be offered a third vaccination. In addition, 3G should be better enforced with regard to public events. In care facilities, visitors – vaccinated and convalescent – should also be tested. There will be a Federal Law on this. In a TV report, Spahn said that there should be no restrictions at Christmas, at least for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered. Thanks to the vaccinations, more everyday life is again possible, the minister added.

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