Health insurance companies demand a savings package for medicines

( – The statutory health insurance companies have asked Health Minister Lauterbach to put together an austerity package for medicines. The increase in expenditure on pharmaceuticals in 2021 was almost eight percent above the average of expenditure on health services.

The Kassen-Spitzenverband spoke of a “wake-up call”. Board member Stoff-Ahnis said: “Seven percent VAT is charged for basic foods such as bread and butter, but health insurance companies have to pay the full 19 percent for essential medicines.” A reduction in value-added tax in the area of ​​medicines could relieve those liable to make contributions by a total of around six billion Euros per year. “Seven percent VAT is charged for basic foods such as bread and butter, while health insurance companies have to pay the full 19 percent for essential medicines. That is simply incomprehensible,” says Stoff-Ahnis.

According to the spokeswoman, price regulation should be reformed. Pharmaceutical companies should no longer be able to set the price for a full year after approval of a product, but for only half a year. This is also in the coalition agreement of the traffic light parties, which are represented in the Federal Government.

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