Posted in Health Politics

Statutory health insurance physicians for an end to the mask requirement

( – The head of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Gassen, has expressed his support for the development of the Corona pandemic. For the majority of citizens, the pandemic is over, he said. In view of the high immunity of the…

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Posted in Health Politics

Lauterbach stops law on ex-post triage

( – Federal Minister of Health Lauterbach has stopped a bill that would allow intensive care in clinical care in favor of a patient with a better chance of survival. Lauterbach rejects ex-post triage because it is “ethically unacceptable,” he justified his decision. The German…

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Posted in Health

Hospital burdens reduced

( – A welcome relaxation is recorded at the clinics in Germany. According to the CEO of the German Hospital Society, Gaß, there are currently 1,300 hospitalized Covid 19 patients. The number is lower than in September 2021. The situation, as it stands, allows the…

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Posted in Economy Health Politics

Baerbock against global food shortages

( – Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock wants to forge a global alliance to fight food shortages and rising prices in the current crises. The fight against hunger can only be solved together, said Baerbock in an interview. Germany must take responsibility for this, she said…

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Posted in Health Politics

Reformed Triage Bill

( – In the future, it should be medically ethical to stop treating one person and continue treating another patient with a better chance of survival when tight capacities are tight. A prerequisite is an exact examination, as a media report from a draft law…

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Posted in Health Politics

Fourth booster vaccination recommended for risk groups

( – Older people and people with previous illnesses are urgently requested to have a fourth vaccination against the Coronavirus. That statement was put forward by the chairman of the Standing Vaccination Commission, Mertens. In autumn, the risk of infection will again increase. People over…

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Posted in Health Politics

Association of Cities: tighten the Infection Protection Act for fall

( – The German Association of Cities has appealed to the Federal Government to take precautions as soon as possible with a view to a Corona wave that could occur in autumn. City day general manager Dedy said, according to media reports, that a new…

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Posted in Health Politics

Lauterbach on Covid-19: preparing for autumn

( – Health Minister Lauterbach sees an easing of the Covid-19 situation during the summer, but does not want to give the all-clear either. That’s what the politician said at the ‘Ludwig-Erhard Summit’ at Tegernsee. The number of cases is likely to remain low. Lauterbach…

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Posted in Health Politics

Federal Minister of Health wants reforms this summer

( – Federal Health Minister Lauterbach would like to initiate new medical regulations during the months of summer. In an “intermediate spurt,” Lauterbach also wants to conclude projects such as the electronic patient file and e-prescriptions. The financing of the statutory health insurance companies and…

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Posted in Health Politics

Lauterbach (SPD) for adapting the Infection Protection Act by autumn

( – According to Federal Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD), the Infection Protection Act is to be revised by autumn. By that time, the cases of Covid19 infections might again increase. In addition, new mutations are likely to occur. As a result, wearing a mouth and…

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Posted in Health Politics

Covid 19 mutations: Lauterbach criticized for his choice of words

( – According to media reports, Federal Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) has spoken of the possibility of a highly contagious Omicron variant of the Coronavirus, literally mentioning the term “killer variant.” This has now led to critical reactions. Virologist Schmidt-Chanasit said Lauterbach’s description did not…

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Posted in Health

A majority in Germany continue to wear masks

( – In Germany, the majority of residents still wear mouth and nose protection indoors – even if the obligation to wear medical masks has been lifted in most places. According to a survey commissioned by the dpa news agency, 58 percent of the population…

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