Posted in Economy Finance Technology

Potential savings in Germany thanks to energy transition

( – The Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) underscores significant cost-saving opportunities arising from Germany’s transition to sustainable energy systems. A comprehensive analysis commissioned by the BDI and conducted by the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group projects that an optimized implementation of the energy…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Different positions as to greenhouse gas neutrality

( – In a debate aired shortly before the Bundestag elections on ARD and ZDF, CDU/CSU reaffirmed their commitment to achieving greenhouse gas neutrality for Germany by 2045. This position was articulated by both CDU Secretary-General Linnemann and CSU Regional Group Leader Dobrindt. The Union…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Natural gas reserves stable

( – The natural gas supply in Germany remains stable despite low temperatures and decreasing storage levels. The Ines storage association has assured that the remaining reserves will suffice for the rest of the winter. Additionally, the Federal Network Agency has described the gas supply…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Greens advocate an “educational turnaround”

( – In the days leading up to the federal election, the Green Party leadership calls for an “education turnaround” to address issues in schools and daycares. Their proposal, detailed in a paper by party leaders Franziska Brantner and Felix Banaszak, includes significant investments in…

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Posted in Health Technology

Electronic patient files available from March or April

( – The German statutory health insurance funds have successfully implemented the introduction of electronic patient records, resulting in the creation of over 70 million records. With the exception of those who have opted out, nearly all insured individuals now possess their own personal electronic…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Plant-based proteins could revolutionize the economy

( – The industry for alternatives to meat and dairy products could contribute up to EUR 65 billion to the German economy and create 250,000 new jobs by 2045, according to a study by the consultancy “Systemiq” for the “Good Food Institute Europe.” The domestic…

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Posted in Politics Technology

For whom to vote? A tool provides orientation

( – For those still undecided on which party to vote for in the upcoming Bundestag elections, assistance can now be found through the Wahl-O-Mat. The Federal Agency for Civic Education has launched this online tool. Users can compare their political opinions with those of…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

German climate goals for 2030 unlikely to be met

( – Despite progress, Germany is unlikely to meet its 2030 climate target without further actions, according to a recent report from the Expert Council on Climate Issues. Although there has been a recent acceleration of the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, especially in the…

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Posted in Politics Technology

To safeguard the elections, Faeser (SPD) meets with social media companies

( – Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) met Wednesday with representatives of digital companies and key social media platforms to explore how to safeguard the next federal election. The ministry announced that Twitter/X, Microsoft, TikTok, Meta (Facebook and Instagram), and Google (YouTube) were all…

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Posted in Economy Finance Technology

The energy transition can benefit households and the economy financially

( – The energy transition in Germany can be structured in a way that both private households and businesses derive financial benefits. This conclusion is drawn from a study conducted by the think tank Energy Watch Group (EWG). According to the study, a CO2-neutral Germany…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Climate goals attained by Germany

( – According to a recent study, Germany has almost halved its greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels, thereby successfully attaining its 2024 climate goal. The think tank Agora Energiewende has noted that coal-based power generation has fallen to an unprecedented low. In 2024,…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Authorities investigate after hacking attack on the CDU

( – The CDU has fallen victim to a cyber attack one week before the European elections. The Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced that the CDU’s network has been affected. Both the German police and the Federal Office for the Protection of the…

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