Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

A ‘future fund’ for the car industry

( – The Federal Government will provide a “future fund” of one billion Euros for the changing automotive industry by 2025, as announced by the Federal Minister of Finance and SPD Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz. 340 million Euros are to flow into regional cooperations and…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Germany and Saudi Arabia to cooperate in the field of hydrogen production

( – Germany and Saudi Arabia want to work together as to hydrogen production. The Cabinet of the Kingdom has approved a letter of intent to this end. As Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, explained, the company is looking for buyers in key…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Faster expansion of the charging network for e-cars required

( – The charging network for electric cars is to be expanded more quickly. This is what the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has called for. One million charging points would be required over the next nine years. “To achieve the goal, 2,000 new…

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Posted in Technology

Flood protection: North Rhine-Westphalia takes greater account of small rivers

( – The government of North Rhine-Westphalia would like to give greater consideration to small rivers when it comes to flood prevention. For example, it must be checked where floodplains and other retention options could be set up. In addition, more measurement and control systems…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Technical solutions and improved civil protection suggested in Germany to prevent future flooding

by Thorsten The Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance would like to see risk areas that might be subject to flooding better mapped – with a special focus on smaller rivers. A spokesman announced that there is already data for larger rivers…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Environmental associations call for new locations for houses and more space for water

by Thorsten Several environmental associations have called for reconstruction efforts after the flood disaster in western Germany to be adapted, with a view to tackling climate change. Rivers need to be given more space and some buildings rebuilt elsewhere instead of erecting them as…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Additional warnings to the population by SMS

Warnings to the German population through ‘cell broadcasting’ have been ordered since Wednesday. This was announced by Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). All smartphones dialed into a certain radio cell will in future notify about disasters via SMS push notifications, for example in the…

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Posted in Finance Politics Technology

Heavy rains caused damage to agriculture, rail, and motorway routes

by Thorsten Agriculture has suffered much damage in the disaster areas in western Germany. “Several thousand hectares” of fields are affected, said a spokesman for the North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Agriculture. Satellite images will allow for a more precise overview. In addition to the…

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Posted in Finance Politics Technology

Flood disaster in Germany: in search of solutions

by Thorsten The situation in the wake of the severe floodings in the west of the Federal Republic of Germany has stabilized. Authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate announced that officials and helpers are now getting a comprehensive picture of the situation. It is…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Fewer complaints against online hatred than expected

In the fourth year after the passing of the Internet Hate Act (NetzDG), fewer Internet users in Germany complained that social networks were deleting hate speech posts than had been expected. From October 2017 to June 23 of this year, the Federal Office of Justice…

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Posted in Finance Technology

Building materials for new homes more expensive

New residential buildings have become more expensive in May of this year. The rate of inflation was last that high in 2007. Conventionally built residential buildings cost 6.4 percent more in May than in the respective month of the previous year. Building materials such as…

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Posted in Finance Politics Technology

Damage of Property Relating to my Latest Book Project

Two days ago, my desktop files were deleted in what, according to all likelihood, was government or government-sponsored hacking of my work computer. Four months of research on German politics for a new monograph are forever lost, and hundreds of hours of work on my…

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