Posted in Finance Politics

CDU-CSU confirms support for Deutschlandticket

( – The Union faction in the Bundestag has formally endorsed an amendment to the Regionalization Act aimed at securing continued funding for the Deutschlandticket. CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann underscored that this decision pertains to the reallocation of existing financial resources, rather than the…

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Posted in Finance Politics

CDU steadfast as to the debt break but supports Deutschlandticket

( – CDU General Secretary Linnemann has rejected the SPD’s proposal to engage in discussions regarding the reform of the debt brake. Linnemann reaffirmed the CDU’s steadfast commitment to the debt brake, dismissing SPD attempts to reinterpret CDU president Friedrich Merz’s position. SPD leaders Esken…

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Posted in Finance Politics

FDP, CDU and Green party will likely help pass certain laws before the forthcoming elections

( – Former Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) anticipates that the Bundestag will approve the proposed constitutional amendment to strengthen the Federal Constitutional Court prior to the upcoming elections. He highlighted the significance of this initiative and emphasized that all involved political factions are in…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

FDP withdraws federal ministers – traffic light coalition breaking up

( – It is the end of the traffic light coalition. All FDP ministers have been recalled by their party from the alliance with the SPD and the Greens after Chancellor Scholz had previously dismissed the liberal Federal Finance Minister Lindner due to a lack…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Coalition partners talk about the economic crisis and the budget

( – The traffic light coalition has halted negotiations of the tax package for 2025 coordinated by Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP). Talks were broken off last Friday but could continue on Thursday, at the earliest. The Greens do not wish higher earners to be…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Meetings with industry and small to medium-sized businesses

( – Chancellor Scholz (SPD) is planning to continue meetings with industry associations and unions. The first industry summit this week is “the start of a process in which the Federal Government will discuss with the participants in the coming weeks ways of providing further…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Merz confirms retirement age of 67, SPD insists on pension package II

( – In his speech at the Germany Day of the youth organization Junge Union, CDU chairman Merz has rejected the demand to link the retirement age to higher life expectancy. He said that the statutory retirement age of 67 should be retained. He justified…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Cuts in broadcasting programs, postponement of the decision on fees

( – The premiers of the Länder have decided on a reform package for public broadcasting, omitting the question of broadcasting contributions. The ARD must reduce its radio programs by around a third, from 70 to 53. The previously discussed merger of 3sat and Arte…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

A ‘Germany Fund’ to strengthen the economy and reduce bureaucracy

( – At the Employers’ Day, Chancellor Scholz has called for a joint effort to stimulate the economy in Germany. Despite the recession, Germany is a strong country, and the situation can be improved by reducing bureaucracy and improving the conditions for the financial sector….

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Posted in Finance Health Politics

Health Minister Lauterbach expects hundreds of hospitals to close

( – The hospital reform has passed the Bundestag. Federal Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) has explained that he expects closures, especially in clinics in western Germany. He said: “It is quite clear that in ten years at the latest we will have a few hundred…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Discussion about relief for citizens and the industry

( – The Federal Government is arguing about plans for tax relief. FDP chairman Lindner accused the Greens of blocking plans and not supporting the mitigation of the bracket creep. The Greens, for their part, complained that Lindner did not support the increase in the…

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Posted in Finance Health Politics

Hospital reform and debates on financing the German nursing care insurance

( – Health Minister Lauterbach (SPD) has announced that the proposed hospital reform is set to pass in the Bundestag by the end of the week. After extensive negotiations, coalition party representatives finalized the details and technical changes. For instance, small rural clinics will now…

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