Coalition agreement prompts “confidence”

( – According to the coalition agreement of the traffic light parties – SPD, Greens and FDP – 400,000 new apartments are to be built per year, and the rent brake is to apply until 2029. In addition, the minimum wage is to be raised to twelve Euros per hour, a share of renewable energies of 80 percent is be reached by 2030, a citizen’s benefit is to be set up, and it is planned to grant a basic child benefit. The overall debt brake should be adhered to. The increase in rents should therefore be limited to 11 percent within three years, instead of the previous 15 percent. The citizens’ money is intended as a replacement for Hartz IV.

Distribution of government departments

The SPD has the prospect of seven ministerial posts, the Greens five and the FDP four. The SPD will be responsible for the areas of home affairs, defense, labor, health, economic cooperation and construction. The Greens will take on the management of the Federal Foreign Office, a ministry for economy and climate protection as well as the ministries for family, environment and agriculture, in addition to nominating a state minister for culture and media in the Federal Chancellery. The FDP will provide the ministers for finance, justice, transport and digital, as well as education and research.

Scholz to be elected

It is planned that Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) will be elected Federal Chancellor next week. He commented that the policy of the future Federal Government should lead to “strengthening social cohesion.” Conditions in the country are supposed to be improved by bringing things together. The coalition partners will work together on an equal footing, Scholz promised. Green chairman Robert Habeck spoke of “courage” and “confidence” in view of the Corona pandemic, thanks to the prospects in the coalition agreement.

Greens appoint ministers

Meanwhile, the Greens have already nominated their candidates for minister. Former Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock becomes Federal Foreign Minister. Habeck becomes Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, and Vice-Chancellor. Former Green chairman Cem Özdemir is to become Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Steffi Lemke is to be given responsibility for the environment, and the previous Bundestag Vice-President Claudia Roth will be appointed Minister of State for Culture.

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