Posted in Politics

Söder does not rule out a Union-led grand coalition

( – Markus Söder (CSU), the Bavarian Prime Minister, has not ruled out cooperation with the SPD in a government after the Federal Election. “A grand coalition can come back with the SPD if it gets weaker,” he said. “The decisive factor is that we…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Laschet for support of photovoltaics

( – Armin Laschet (CDU), the candidate of the CDU and CSU for the office of Federal Chancellor, would like to make photovoltaics on the roof more affordable for homeowners if the Union parties win the Federal Election. After an election victory, the Reconstruction Loan…

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Posted in Politics Technology

Baerbock wants more wind power in the south and west

( – Annalena Baerbock, the Greens’ candidate for the office of Chancellor, would like to use two percent of the country’s area for wind energy after the Federal Election. It is crucial to “build massively in the south and west”. In the north and east,…

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Posted in Politics

Kramp-Karrenbauer against weakening the Bundeswehr

( – Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has warned of a weakening of the Bundeswehr. If the SPD leads the coming Federal Government, the SPD parliamentary group leader in the German Bundestag, Rolf Mützenich, refuses to respect NATO’s two percent target. “Against the background, I don’t think that…

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Posted in Politics

Executives want ‘Jamaica’ alliance or ‘traffic light’ coalition

( – According to a survey conducted by several opinion research institutes, executives in German business and civil servants from grade A14 in administration would like to see a Jamaican coalition after the federal election. An alliance of the Union parties, the Greens and the…

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Posted in Politics

Laschet warns of a ‘traffic light’ coalition

( – CDU-CSU chancellor candidate Armin Laschet has called on the FDP not to form an alliance with the SPD and the Greens. “The FDP would be threatened with expulsion as part of a traffic light coalition – because the left would be ready to…

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Posted in Politics

Formation of government of the CDU also as runner-up, Bouffier

( – The Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier (CDU) advises the Union parties to form a Federal Government even if they reach second place in the Federal Elections. “I find it silly that there is now a discussion about whether only the first place has…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Scholz praises money laundering unit

( – Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) praised the performance of the anti-money laundering unit FIU. In the Bundestag Finance Committee, he said the unit had been increased and the criteria by which it worked would be further improved. No minister is able to…

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Posted in Politics

Laschet wants more domestic security

( – According to the CSU regional group chief Dobrindt, Armin Laschet (CDU) with “the right mixture of aggressiveness and political subjects,” has made extremely strong and clear appearances in the candidate trialls. Laschet had promised, for example, to take action against extremist threats and…

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Posted in Finance Technology

Laschet: electricity should become cheaper

( – The CDU has presented a 15-point plan with regard to renewable energies. Agencies reported that Germany should switch to renewable energies “as soon as possible.” According to the CDU’s plan, “electricity has to be sustainable, regenerative and made from renewable sources – and…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Altmaier wants tax breaks for more companies

( – Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) would like to give tax relief to companies affected by the Covid pandemic. It must be easier to “build up new equity”. This should be achieved through tax advantages. For example, there is a reduced VAT…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Baerbock wants to get money from tax havens for subsidies

( – One of the three candidates for the office of Federal Chancellor, Annalena Baerbock (Greens), has campaigned for a change in mood in federal politics. Climate protection and social justice are not mutually exclusive. the next Federal Government must be “a climate government”. This…

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