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Baerbock (Greens) denies the Left the ability to govern
( – The Greens co-chair and candidate for Chancellor, Annalena Baerbock, does not consider the Left Party to be able to govern and has spoken out against a coalition with the Left. She justified this with the party’s inadequate “foreign policy capacity.” This, in consequence,…
Kühnert threatens to resign as SPD vice-president
( – SPD vice chairman Kevin Kühnert has threatened to resign from his office should a Grand Coalition of the SPD and Union parties come about. Such a coalition is “completely unthinkable”, he claimed. On the other hand, he believes a government with the participation…
Bartsch (Left) wants to make Germany “disarmament world champion”
( – The top candidate of the Left Party, Dietmar Barsch, has described his party’s rejection of NATO as no obstacle to a red-red-green alliance. Germany’s exit from NATO will not be made a condition of a left coalition. Bartsch declared that the Left would…
SPD leader Esken raises pressure towards the Left party
( – SPD co-chairwoman Saskia Esken has emphasized that coalition partners of the SPD in a future federal government would have to support NATO, a strong, sovereign EU as well as a solid budgetary policy. This is non-negotiable, Esken said. In doing so, she increased…
Scheele: Germany needs more qualified immigrant workers
( – Detlev Scheele, Chairman of the Federal Employment Agency, has spoken out in favor of attracting more immigrants to Germany. Due to the aging of the population, there will be about 150,000 fewer workers by 2021, and “it will become much more dramatic in…
No lockdown during the fourth Corona wave expected
( – Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier assumes that in the course of the fourth wave of the Corona pandemic, a new lockdown, for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered, can be avoided. According to media reports, Altmaier expects restaurants…
Employers and trade unions call for vaccinations
( – Employers and trade unions have appealed to the population to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus considering that the pace of vaccination has slowed. One had to be careful that what has been achieved is not gambled away, employer president Rainer Dulger and Reiner…
Laschet wants to adapt the Infection Protection Act
The candidate for Chancellor of the Union parties, Armin Laschet (CDU), wants to change the Infection Protection Act before the Federal Election in September. The incidence of 50 should be deleted. The incidence in and of itself is “no longer meaningful,” Laschet justified his point…
Baerbock does not exclude compulsory vaccination for professional groups
( – Chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock (Green Party) has not ruled out that in the event of a significant worsening of the Corona situation, compulsory vaccination should apply to some population groups. Compulsory vaccination is legally “not that easy” to implement in Germany, she said….
Altmaier: economy in 2022 at pre-crisis level
( – Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) sees a rapid recovery in the German economy: “We will also see a clear upswing in the next year.” Altmaier added that he expected metrics to be at pre-crisis levels as early as the beginning of…
EU calls for preparing for refugees from Afghanistan
( – After the fighting in Afghanistan and the Taliban seizure of power, the EU Commission has asked the European member states to prepare for refugees from Afghanistan. Home Affairs Commissioner Johanson warned that the mistakes of 2015 could repeat themselves. More refugees from Afghanistan…
Laschet: the Bundestag election is a directional decision
( – The Union parties’ candidate for Federal Chancellor, Armin Laschet (CDU), has warned of a shift to the left. The Federal Election in September is a directional decision. Laschet called on the SPD to opt against a coalition with the Left Party. Laschet spoke…