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Flood disaster in Germany: in search of solutions
by Thorsten The situation in the wake of the severe floodings in the west of the Federal Republic of Germany has stabilized. Authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate announced that officials and helpers are now getting a comprehensive picture of the situation. It is…
Hans: CDU-CSU is entitled to 37 percent in federal elections
Saarland Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) has emphasized the claim of the Union parties to remain true people’s parties and to reach the 37 percent mark in the September Bundestag elections. In June, the Prime Minister of Anhalt, Rainer Haseloff, had already pointed out that…
More infections due to the Corona virus’ delta variant
The delta variant of the Corona virus, which was first localized in India, accounts for 59 percent of current infections, after the proportion was around 37 percent at the very beginning of July, as reported by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). A third of those…
A need for booster vaccinations
by Thorsten Koch According to the Spokesman of the Federal Government, Seibert, the Federal Government and the Governments of the German states are preparing for so-called booster vaccinations. A spokesman for the Federal Ministry of Health said, on his part, that the data was not…
German employers want to avoid a new lockdown
The Federal and State Governments should present a concept with which a new lockdown in Germany can be prevented. Employer President Dulger said the virus will not go away entirely. Nevertheless, the President of the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Adrian, emphasized that extensive…
ECB Director: inflation will not be too high in the medium term
The concerns about a sharp rise in inflation are unfounded, said Isabel Schnabel, member of the board of directors of the European Central Bank (ECB). Schnabel emphasized that she is “sure” of this. The current development is temporary, she said. The central bank currently has…
Dobrindt: more tax incentives for work from home
The chairman of the CSU regional group in the Bundestag, Dobrindt, would like to make working from the so-called ‘home office’ more attractive with more tax incentives. His demand should also be included in the election manifesto of the CSU. Dobrindt rejected an enshrined right…
Covid-19 slows down higher life expectancy
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a lower increase in life expectancy in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office announced that the average life expectancy for newborn girls is 83.4 years. For boys, it is 78.6 years. Thus, the value has hardly increased compared to previous…
Fewer complaints against online hatred than expected
In the fourth year after the passing of the Internet Hate Act (NetzDG), fewer Internet users in Germany complained that social networks were deleting hate speech posts than had been expected. From October 2017 to June 23 of this year, the Federal Office of Justice…
Building materials for new homes more expensive
New residential buildings have become more expensive in May of this year. The rate of inflation was last that high in 2007. Conventionally built residential buildings cost 6.4 percent more in May than in the respective month of the previous year. Building materials such as…
More creative offers to promote the ongoing vaccination campaign
In order to increase the vaccination rate against Covid-19 in Germany, there is a discussion about making more creative offers. The head of the Hamburg Vaccination Center and president of the Virchow Association, Heinrich, recommended mobile vaccination campaigns, as well as immunization in the vaccination…
Spahn to procure more vaccination doses for 2022
Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to procure 204 million vaccine doses against Covid-19 for the next year. This corresponds to a supply of more than two doses per inhabitant of products made by several manufacturers and, according to the Federal Ministry of…