Posted in Economy Finance Politics Technology

Lindner releases funds for storage and regasification

( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) has given the go-ahead for 2.47 billion Euros in funding for liquid gas terminals in Germany. Four floating storage and regasification units are to be leased. Liquified natural gas should be stored to ensure Germany’s gas supply. Due…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Reduced energy tax

( – As part of the relief package launched by the Federal Government to combat high energy prices, a reduction in energy tax is to make fuel cheaper from June 1 and for three months. This results from a draft issued by the Federal Ministry…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Nine-Euro ticket to be available from June

( – According to the Association of German Transport Companies, the 9-Euro monthly ticket for local and regional transport will be sold in June, July, and August. It will be valid until the end of the sales month. Not included in the use is long-distance…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Lindner (FDP) would like to adhere to the debt brake in 2023

( – In 2023, Federal Finance Minister Lindner (FDP) once again wants to meet the debt brake. “It’s a constitutional mandate,” he explained. The current aid package is a kind of shock absorber to support the economy, Lindner said – a regulation not passed lightly….

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Funding for companies affected by the crisis

( – The Federal Government would like to grant subsidies of up to five billion Euros to entrepreneurs who are particularly hard hit by the situation in Ukraine. Loans can be taken up to a total of 100 billion Euros. The liquidity protection through loans…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Modalities of climate budget: Union parties file lawsuit

( – The Union faction in the German Bundestag has filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court because the supplementary budget can be used for investments that serve climate protection. The head of the parliamentary group of the CDU and CSU in the Bundestag, and…

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Posted in Finance Politics

More money for the young through training grants

( – The Federal Cabinet has decided to increase state training funding by five percent. The Bafög rate for students is to be increased to 449 euros per month. For students who live in their own room or apartment, 359 euros should soon flow to…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Highest pension increase in 30 years

( – The Federal Cabinet has approved a pension increase of 5.35 percent from 1 July. Federal Minister of Labor Heil (SPD) described this as the highest increase in 30 years. In East Germany, pensions will climb by 6.12 percent. Incidentally, the 3 million recipients…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Cornerstones of German share pension set

( – The Deutsche Bundesbank has been selected by the Federal Treasury to manage the investment fund that will be used to pay for state pensions from shares in the future. The fund should operate in a yield-oriented manner. “In a first step, the fund…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Amount of financial aid for Ukrainian refugees defined

( – The Federal Government, together with the representatives of the Federal States, has found an agreement as to the distribution of the costs for Ukrainian refugees. Those affected should receive a similar level of support as do asylum seekers after their recognition. From June,…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Refugees to receive basic security benefits

( – As of 1 June, Ukrainian refugees will be included in the basic security system. Chancellor Scholz and the Prime Ministers of the Federal States have agreed on this. The Federal Government not only covers part of the accommodation costs, but also provides the…

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Posted in Finance Politics Technology

Funding for energy-efficient buildings

( – Follow-up funding for energy-efficient new buildings by the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau is to apply from April 20th. The funding should be based on the EH40 standard, but with different funding rates and conditions. The Federal Government would like to use this to increase…

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