(GermanPolicy.com) – Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens) has called for massive efforts to be made to save energy. The energy stores will have to be filled for the next winter. “We can all make a contribution now: we as the government, of course, by trying to make history and not letting sluggishness prevail in Germany,” and by intensifying construction activity, said Habeck. Through greater efficiency through fewer rules and the timely provision of funds, for example. Everyone can contribute by saving on gas and oil, Habeck suggested. “Every cubic meter of gas that is not burned helps,” said the former Green party leader.
Federal Minister of Agriculture Özdemir, also of the Green party, has called for a voluntary restriction to 130 km/h on motorways. There is currently no majority for the speed limit, according to Özdemir. “But fortunately, everyone has the freedom to slow down on freeways.” Besides, the minister advised to use the car less frequently. The German Association of Cities had previously appealed for an examination to be carried out, after which a general speed limit could be introduced. More attention should be paid to energy consumption, the association hinted.
The State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Economics, Krischer (Greens), explained on the same overall subject: “In the course of this crisis, we will have to talk about reducing consumption.” Everything will be discussed and decided together in the traffic light coalition. According to the Federal Environment Agency, a speed limit of 120 km/h on German autobahns could save around 2.5 million tons of CO2 equivalents each year.