Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Germany and Chile chair the new Climate Club

( – Germany has started a new political initiative, and several states, all of them with ambitious climate goals, have joined it: The ‘Climate Club’ was formed during the UN conference in Dubai. At the very start, Chancellor Scholz emphasized that it was crucial to…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Less bureaucracy, faster planning to be made possible

( – In a wave of measures to reduce bureaucracy and the removal of complicated obligations, up to a hundred duties are to be canceled. This was announced by Federal Chancellor Scholz (SPD) and Federal Economics Minister Habeck (Greens). New laws are to be examined…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Federal States take part in Germany Pact

( – At a conference that will be held in the city of Wilhelmshafen, the German Federal States want to talk to the Federal Chancellery about the Germany Pact for a modernization that is supposed to be effective in many respects, which the Federal Chancellor…

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Posted in Economy Politics

CDU not to participate in ‘Germany Pact’

( – CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann has rejected an invitation of Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). The CDU will not take part in the Germany Pact proposed by the Chancellor. After examination, it was concluded that there was nothing new in the project – even…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Government-Opposition: Scholz proposes ‘Germany Pact’

( – The German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (SPD), wants to talk to the parliamentary group leader of the Union parties in the German Bundestag, Friedrich Merz (CDU), about his proposed ‘Germany Pact.’ Scholz had previously proposed the pact in a general debate in the German…

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Posted in Politics

EU agreement on a stricter asylum system

( – The EU states have agreed on a reform project with regard to the common asylum system. The reforms significantly tighten recognition procedures. At a meeting of EU interior ministers, a sufficient number of countries voted in favor of the proposed changes. Migrants with…

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Posted in Politics

Kretschmer, Prien: working together to reform the German asylum law

( – Karin Prien, one of the deputy chairs of the CDU, has called for a factual discussion about how to proceed in view of the significantly increasing number of refugees and asylum seekers in Germany – “before social cohesion threatens to go up in…

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Posted in Politics

Kretschmer opts for a securitization of the EU’s external borders

( – The Saxon Prime Minister, Kretschmer (CDU), has criticized the fact that the number of refugees has increased to such an extent that the municipalities have reached the limits of their capacity. He also suggested securing the EU’s external borders in Bulgaria, according to…

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Posted in Politics

Calls for easier returns of illegal migrants

( – The Federal States have called for easier deportations of people who do not have the right to stay in Germany. According to a decision by the Prime Ministers’ Conference, the Federal Government should seek appropriate contracts with the countries of origin of the…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Refugee costs will be renegotiated in May

( – On Thursday, Chancellor Scholz and the Prime Ministers of the Federal States discussed the distribution of refugees in Germany and the costs involved. Lower Saxony is currently presiding over the Prime Ministers’ Conference. As a spokeswoman for the Lower Saxony State Government announced,…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Germany ticket: Bund bears half of the costs

( – The German Bundestag has decided that half the cost of the ticket, also known as the ’49-Euro-Ticket’ – now officially called the ‘Germany ticket,’ can be covered by the Federal Government. The ticket permits travelers to use local and regional transport – bus…

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Posted in Health Politics

Compulsory tests when visiting health establishments discontinued from 1 March

( – Protective measures against the Corona pandemic still apply in health and care facilities. This will see a change from March: visitors to the facilities will no longer have to submit tests. However, they will still be required to wear masks, until further notice….

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