Posted in Economy Finance

Wage gap for women and employees in eastern Germany keeps shrinking

( – The wage gap between East and West Germany decreased slightly in 2020. In the new Federal States, the average gross wage per month for full-time employment was 2,890 Euros, below that in the west, where 3,540 Euros were paid. The difference was 49…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Tax relief would cost 39 billion Euros

( – According to a study by the German Institute for Economic Research, lowering taxes for the middle class would cost 39 billion Euros per year. If the lowest-earning 95 percent of the German population were to be relieved of one percent of their income,…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Climate policy: driving and renting a place of living should be burdened to a lesser extent

( – Drivers and tenants should be burdened to a lesser extent for measures against climate change. This is what the Center for European Economic Research has called for. Should it remain that 61 percent of CO2 emissions come from the transport and building sectors,…

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Posted in Finance Health Politics

Unvaccinated persons to pay for rapid tests from 11 October

By Thorsten Koch The Federal Government and representatives of the Federal States decided this week that persons not vaccinated against Covid-19 will have to pay for rapid concerning the disease out of their own pocket from October 11. Only this way will they be…

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Posted in Health Politics

Covid-19: Brinkhaus calls for debate on the rights of vaccinated people

( – The chairman of the Union parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, Ralph Brinkhaus (CDU), has called for a change of perspective with regard to the debate about improvements in Corona vaccinations. “What I am currently witnessing is that the vaccinated are angry with…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Raise in CO2 prices to adjust to climate targets suggested

( – The price for CO2 certificates should be increased in the event that the previous measures are not sufficient to achieve the German climate targets. “With the CO2 price, we have created an effective instrument with which we can make adjustments at any time,”…

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Posted in Finance

After the flood disaster: Laschet wants legal security for reconstruction

( – Armin Laschet (CDU), candidate for Chancellor and Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, has called for a special session of the German Bundestag on the subject of flood relief. Legal certainty and a clear signal for the coming years are needed. That is a…

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Posted in Health Politics

Law on the epidemic situation: Spahn against extension

( – In contrast to SPD candidate for chancellor, Olaf Scholz, who wants to prolong the ‘epidemic situation of national scope,’ Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) wants the corresponding law to expire. The law is currently limited to the end of September. Measures against…

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Posted in Health Politics

Germany donates vaccination doses to developing countries

( – Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) has announced that the Federal Republic of Germany will donate all deliveries of the vaccine from AstraZeneca that have yet to arrive in Germany directly to the Covax vaccination initiative. The international initiative will then pass them…

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Posted in Technology

Flood protection: North Rhine-Westphalia takes greater account of small rivers

( – The government of North Rhine-Westphalia would like to give greater consideration to small rivers when it comes to flood prevention. For example, it must be checked where floodplains and other retention options could be set up. In addition, more measurement and control systems…

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Posted in Economy

Soy cultivation in Germany has more than doubled

( – The area on which soy is grown in Germany has increased from 15,800 hectares to 33,800 hectares in five years. This was announced by the Federal Statistical Office, which is assuming an additional increase to 34,300 hectares within the current year. The two…

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Posted in Health Politics

Covid-19: police checking test results upon entry into Germany

( – From this Sunday, travelers to Germany have to present certificates. This is meant to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. On the occasion of mandatory entry tests for persons from the age of 12 to determine whether a person is free from the…

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