Posted in Politics

More soldiers in Mali, extension of the deployment off Somalia

In the West African country of Mali, the number of German soldiers participating in the EU training mission EUTM is to be increased from a maximum of 450 to 600 armed forces, the Union faction’s vice-president Johann Wadephul (CDU) announced. Germany will take over the…

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Posted in Politics

Maas for a peace solution in Yemen

Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas has welcomed the efforts of the US government for a peace solution in Yemen. As a result of the efforts, the framework conditions had changed, and there will be new opportunities to end the war. The war could…

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Posted in Finance Politics

SPD calls for package to help children and young people

The SPD has called for a 2 billion Euro package to be put together for needy children and young people, as part of the help for those affected by the Corona pandemic. The latter are particularly hard hit by the pandemic. The package can be…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Volkswagen reaches agreement with trade union

The employees of the car manufacturer Volkswagen will receive a Corona bonus of 1000 Euros each in June, as well as a salary increase of 2.3 percent from 2022. IG Metall and Volkswagen agreed on this. The collective agreement for 120,000 employees is valid for…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Merkel and Macron welcome Chinese climate targets

Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have welcomed the People’s Republic of China’s goals of achieving CO2 neutrality before 2060. In a digital conference with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Xi said, according to Chinese state television, that cooperation with Germany and France would…

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Posted in Politics

Attacks on refugees remain highly concerning

There were at least 1,606 attacks on refugees and asylum seekers in Germany last year. This results from a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from the Left Party in the Bundestag. The figures are preliminary. According to official information,…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Left party “wants” to end foreign deployments

In a draft of its election manifesto, the Left Party has shown that it is willing to compromise with regard to the Bundeswehr missions abroad. Instead of a clear ‘No’ to foreign missions, it is now said that the Left “wants” to end such missions….

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Posted in Politics

Reason to observe the ‘Lateral Thinker’ movement

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) expects the ‘Lateral Thinkers’ movement to be observed by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. Violence emanating from the scene had increased, derailments within the movement are repeated, and extremists are becoming spokesmen at the demonstrations,…

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Posted in Economy

Altmaier expects a quick economic recovery

Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) assumes that the German economy will recover quickly after the end of the Corona pandemic. The situation is robust, he said, adding that the recovery will accelerate from the middle of the second quarter. Altmaier expects growth of…

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Posted in Politics

Bundestag strengthens the rights of indigenous peoples

The Bundestag has passed a law based on an international agreement, strengthening the rights of indigenous peoples. With the exception of the AfD, all members of the Bundestag parliamentary groups voted for the bill. Convention 169 of the signatories of the International Labor Organization guarantees…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Improvements for cyclists thanks to new traffic plan

The Federal Cabinet is working to ensure that Germany becomes a “cyclist country,” in the long run. Cycle paths are to be expanded in both urban and rural areas. Metropolises are to be connected by high-speed bike paths. Commuters, for example, could benefit from this….

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Posted in Politics

Laschet or Söder: Union candidate for Chancellor by vote?

by Thorsten Koch Possibly, the CDU and CSU parliamentary group will vote in the coming week on whether Armin Laschet (CDU) or Markus Söder (CSU) will run as candidate for German Federal Chancellor for the Union parties, the ‘Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland’ reported. The Hamburg CDU regional…

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