Posted in Politics

Union parties and FDP emphasize overlaps

( – After exploratory talks, CDU-CSU and FDP have highlighted similarities. The FDP praised the fact that there are only “a few cliffs” in terms of positioning. Tasks for the next government are the preservation of prosperity, climate protection as well as digitization, said CDU…

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Posted in Politics

Fricke (FDP): Liberals and Greens coordinated well

( – Otto Fricke (FDP) has stated that after his party’s explorations with the Greens, it depends on how the talks between the Greens and the CDU-CSU went on. The FDP and the Greens had coordinated well. In a next step, three-way discussions could take…

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Posted in Politics

FDP against tax increases by the next government

( – The FDP insists on its election promise not to raise taxes if a government is formed with the Liberals. The FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing emphasized that the “clear statement” will not be abandoned. He explained that tax policy is always a major…

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Posted in Politics

SPD and FDP in constructive talks

( – After exploratory talks by the SPD and FDP with regard to a traffic light coalition, both parties said that they had spoken to each other in a “constructive atmosphere”. In terms of content, one is far apart, said FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing….

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Posted in Politics

SPD wants to speak with FDP and Greens at the same time

( – With a view to a traffic light coalition, the SPD would like to quickly begin talks among the three sides – Social Democrats, FDP and Greens. “The SPD is now ready for three-way talks,” said Secretary General Lars Klingbeil. Before that, the SPD…

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Posted in Politics

Al-Wazir: continue exploring both ‘Jamaica’ and ‘traffic light’ coalitions

( – Tarek Al-Wazir (Greens) has appealed not to reject a Jamaica coalition between the Union parties, the FDP and the Greens: “It is good and expressly right that we sound out all the mathematically possible variants.” The Greens had a “huge task” and want…

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Posted in Politics

The SPD will soon explore options with the Greens and the FDP

( – The Social Democrats will explore this weekend with both the Greens and the FDP in view of a ‘traffic light coalition’ (SPD, Greens, FDP), after the two still-opposition parties having spoken in preliminary probes last Tuesday. While the leader of the Greens parliamentary…

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Posted in Politics

CDU-CSU to probe on Sunday with the FDP, on Tuesday with the Greens

( – The CDU would like to meet with the Greens for the first time on Tuesday in order to carry out explorations with regard to a Jamaica coalition together with the Greens. The Union has set up a team of ten, said CDU General…

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Posted in Uncategorized

SPD-Left Stegner for “East and Peace Politics”

( – The former SPD vice chairman Ralf Stegner has emphasized on behalf of the left wing of the SPD that the SPD left would like to work together on a ‘traffic light coalition’ with the Greens and the FDP. Compromises are acceptable, except for…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Unemployment fell in August

( – According to the Federal Employment Agency, the number of unemployed in Germany increased significantly in September. 2.465 million people were registered as unemployed, 382,000 fewer than in the same period of 2020. Compared to August, the number of unemployed fell by 114,000 people.

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Posted in Finance Politics

First talks as part of preliminary explorations between the Green party and the FDP

by Thorsten Koch Top politicians from the Greens and the FDP have met for preliminary talks regarding participation in a future government. The two Greens chairmen Baerbock and Habeck met with FDP chairman Lindner as well as FDP general secretary Wissing. On Instagram, it…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Greens to speak with FDP, SPD, but also the CDU-CSU

by Thorsten Koch The Greens chairman Robert Habeck said that despote holding talks with the FDP and SPD after the Federal Election, “that doesn’t mean we won’t talk to the Union” parties. Greens chairman Annalena Baerbock sees commonalities between the FDP and the Greens…

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