Posted in Health

Long Covid: a new widespread disease?

( – The Minister of Health of the Free State of Bavaria and Chairman of the Conference of Health Ministers, Klaus Holetschek (CSU), has commented on the consequences of the post-Covid syndrome. “I see the risk that this so-called post-Covid syndrome will give us aftershocks.”…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Laschet for less bureaucracy, Scholz for solidarity – both opt for tax relief

( – The two candidates for the office of Federal Chancellor, from the CDU and the SPD, have affirmed their different positions in tax policy. Armin Laschet (CDU) accused the SPD of endangering the positive economic development in Germany through tax increases. Relief is needed,…

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Posted in Politics

Constitutional Court: reform of the electoral law for the Bundestag election is valid

( – The changes that have been made with regard to the Federal Government’s reform of the electoral law remain in place after the Federal Constitutional Court rejected an urgent application from three opposition parties. The FDP, the Left Party and the Greens had filed…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Laschet for extended suspension of bankruptcy filings

( – The candidate for the office of Federal Chancellor, Armin Laschet (CDU), would like to see the obligation to file for insolvency for companies suspended in the regions affected by the recent flood disaster. The obligation to file for bankruptcy has already been lifted…

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Posted in Politics

Commemoration of the division of Germany

( – Several events took place in Berlin on Friday commemorating the construction of the Wall some 60 years ago. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said at the central ceremony that the border fortifications had become a sign of injustice. The 155 kilometer long Berlin Wall…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Unconditional basic income cannot be financed

( – According to the Scientific Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Finance, an unconditional basic income would not be financially feasible. If all German citizens were to receive funds at the subsistence level, the monthly basic income would have to be 1,208 Euros…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Hofreiter (Greens): SPD election program leads “into the climate crisis”

( – The leader of the Greens in the German Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter, has criticized the SPD candidate for Chancellor, Olaf Scholz (SPD), for the latter’s ideas on climate protection. Hofreiter accused Scholz of “total non-credibility.” As a minister, Scholz had constantly been blocking with…

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Posted in Economy Politics

More women will move up in corporate management

( – According to the so-called Second Management Positions Act, more women than before are to work in top positions in large companies. This is a milestone, said Minister for Women Christine Lambrecht (SPD). Highly qualified women could now move up to top management more…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Germany and Saudi Arabia to cooperate in the field of hydrogen production

( – Germany and Saudi Arabia want to work together as to hydrogen production. The Cabinet of the Kingdom has approved a letter of intent to this end. As Saudi Aramco, the world’s largest oil producer, explained, the company is looking for buyers in key…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Faster expansion of the charging network for e-cars required

( – The charging network for electric cars is to be expanded more quickly. This is what the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has called for. One million charging points would be required over the next nine years. “To achieve the goal, 2,000 new…

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Posted in Finance Politics

Consumer advocates want tax cuts on fruits and vegetables

( – The possible price increases for meat products to enable better animal keeping should be compensated for, according to a proposal by the consumer advice centers. Households could be relieved by lowering the VAT on fruits and vegetables. “That means we would be under…

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Posted in Economy

More sales in the construction industry

( – In May 2021, sales in the construction industry increased by 3.4 percent compared to May 2020. Turnover in carpentry businesses rose by 17.9 percent. In other construction activities, such as concrete work, sales were up 12.5 percent. In contrast, sales in civil engineering,…

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