Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Germany ticket: Bund bears half of the costs

( – The German Bundestag has decided that half the cost of the ticket, also known as the ’49-Euro-Ticket’ – now officially called the ‘Germany ticket,’ can be covered by the Federal Government. The ticket permits travelers to use local and regional transport – bus…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Anniversary of the Elysée Treaty Celebrated in Paris

( – On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the friendship treaty between France and Germany – once signed between President de Gaulle and Chancellor Adenauer – the current French President Macron and German Chancellor Scholz announced last weekend that they want to drive…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Reduced taxes on fuel

( – Fuel prices will be reduced on the tax side for the months of June to August. That was decided by the Bundestag. In the case of petrol, the tax component is now reduced by 29.55 cents per liter, including VAT by 35.20 cents,…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Bundestag confirms Energy Security Act

( – The Federal Council has confirmed the Energy Security Act, which will come into force from June. In case of emergencies, it is now possible to place energy companies under government control. Additionally, it is now possible for utility companies to increase prices –…

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Lemke speaks out against biofuels

( – Federal Environment Minister Lemke wants to change the law to limit the use of biofuel from cultivated plants for food and feed production. A proposal will be submitted soon. “We need our fields more urgently than ever for food production,” the minister explained….

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Bundestag passes tax relief law

( – The German Bundestag passed the tax relief law against the votes of the CDU-CSU. The left and the AfD voted with abstentions. The amount of the relief is 4.46 billion Euros in the current year and probably 22.5 billion Euros by 2026. This…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Union parties for a more effective fight against inflation

( – The CDU-CSU is calling for a more effective fight against the currently high inflation and is thus encountering resistance from the three governing parties. They emphasize that relief in the billions has already been decided. Union vice-chairman Spahn criticized that the government was…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Lindner wants to support companies more

( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner wants to support companies better financially, on the supply side. This emerges from a strategy paper by Lindners government department. Internationally, the tax rules for corporations must be competitive. In addition, planning and approval procedures need to be accelerated….

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Posted in Economy Politics Technology

Energy Security Act passed

( – The energy security reform has been passed in the Bundestag. From now on, energy companies can, if necessary, be put under trusteeship or expropriated if they do not meet their duties and there is a risk of serious bottlenecks. At a later stage,…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Associations: Federal Government does not keep care promises

( – Several social organizations have criticized the fact that the Federal Government in the care sector is not fully complying with the goals agreed in the coalition agreement. Six months after taking over government, there was great disillusionment – in part because Federal Health…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Work from home is still in demand

( – According to an estimate by the Ifo Institute, around a quarter of employees in Germany continue to work from home. This is at least partly the case for 24.9 percent, although companies have no longer had the legal duty to allow work from…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Heil: minimum wage required by the welfare state

( – Federal Minister of Labor Heil described the augmented minimum wage of 12 euros as being required by the welfare state. Raising the lower wage limit is also necessary because the price trend suggests it. Millions of people would be left behind without the…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

BDA calls for moderate wage settlements

( – The Confederation of German Employers’ Associations (BDA) has called on unions to make moderate, responsible wage demands. BDA President Dulger said that moderate wage agreements are in the interests of both social partners. As a result of the current crises, it is important…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Trade unions: energy prices should be capped, rich tax shold be introduced

( – The boss of the IG Metall, a trade union, has spoken out in favor of a price cap on electricity and energy costs, which will relieve people. “Prices should be capped for up to 8,000 kilowatt hours a year, and only then should…

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Posted in Economy Finance

Former chief of top economists warns of a dangerous spiral

( – The former chief of Germany’s top economists, Feld, has warned of a wage-price spiral if excessive wage demands are made. Permanent increases in standard wages would further fuel inflation. If one wanted to fully compensate for inflation, this would have a negative impact…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Lindner against renewed generalized relief measures

( – Federal Finance Minister Lindner has expressed reservations about calls for renewed relief in response to high inflation. One is able to cushion economic hardships. It is also possible to prevent structural breaks. “But all this has the character of a shock absorber.” Aid…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Scholz warns against the decoupling of states and against deglobalization

( – German Chancellor Scholz has warned against deglobalization. In view of the current crises, a “decoupling” of nations should not take place. He rejected isolation, new customs barriers and protectionism, Scholz said at a ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the Overseas Club. On…

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Posted in Economy Health Politics

Baerbock against global food shortages

( – Federal Foreign Minister Baerbock wants to forge a global alliance to fight food shortages and rising prices in the current crises. The fight against hunger can only be solved together, said Baerbock in an interview. Germany must take responsibility for this, she said…

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Posted in Economy Politics

Federal Environment Ministry for better protection of the seas

( – The Federal Environment Ministry wants to protect the world’s oceans better. According to a spokeswoman for the Ministry of the Environment, who announced the establishment of a post for the Commissioner for the Sea, they are aiming for a cross-departmental and legally binding…

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Posted in Economy Technology

Higher electricity and gas prices expected

( – In the coming months there may be further price increases for electricity and gas. Customers should be prepared for this, according to an analysis by the Federal Association of Energy and Water Industries. Wholesale prices would be passed on to the consumer. Since…

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Posted in Economy Finance Politics

Union parties against extra taxation of companies

( – The CDU-CSU has spoken out against the Greens’ proposal to tax companies that make particularly high profits as a result of the Ukraine war. Citizens and companies are unsettled because of the record inflation. Therefore, the discussion is going in the wrong direction,…

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